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9. References

Broadband Access to Increase in Workplace. 25 Jan. 2001. CyberAtlas. 12 Mar. 2001 <,,10099_570571,00.html>.

Broadband Moving On Up. 10 Jan. 2001. CyberAtlas. 12 Mar. 2001. <.,,10099_556391,00.html>.

Connolly, P.J. "Secure the home office sensible and easily" Infoworld. 8 Mar. 2001. 22 Mar. 2001. <>.

Eckels, Josh. "Commercial Use" E-mail to Josh Eckels. 13 Mar. 2001

MindTerm: README. MindBright Technology. 3 March 2001 <.>. Schneier, Bruce. Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World. New York:Wiley & Sons, 2000.

Seifried, Kurt. "The End of SSL and SSH" 18 Dec. 2000. SecurityPortal. 12 March 2001 <>.

virtual private network: [Definition]. 6 Oct. 2000. 15 Mar. 2001. <,289878,sid9,00.html?query=virtual+private+network>.