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Chapter 8. Filling in the Gaps

Table of Contents
8.1. Analysis
8.2. Design
8.2.1. more
8.2.2. More device files
8.2.3. ps, sed & ed
8.3. Construction
8.3.1. Write a "more" script
8.3.2. Create additional device files
8.3.3. Install ps
8.3.4. Install sed
8.3.5. Install ed
8.3.6. Strip binaries to save space
8.3.7. Ensure proper permissions
8.3.8. Create the root disk image
8.3.9. Copy the image to diskette
8.4. Implementation
8.4.1. System startup
8.4.2. Test the "more" script
8.4.3. Use ps to show running processes
8.4.4. Run a simple sed script
8.4.5. Test the "ed" editor
8.4.6. System shutdown