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"The Linux Gazette...making Linux just a little more fun!"

(?) The Answer Guy (!)

By James T. Dennis,
Starshine Technical Services,

(?) CGI Driven Password Changes

From Terry Singleton on Sat, 05 Dec 1998

(?) Hi there,

We recently installed a LINUX box that runs sendmail 8.9.1, we need someway for a user to be able to change their own password, most ISP's have a html form that allows them to do this.

I know this can be done with CGI and Perl, question is does anyone have anything or know of anywhere I can find something that will do the trick..

I just bought a perl/cgi so I am working in that direction, we need something asap though. I would even pay for something.

Terry Singleton
Network Analyst

(!) I once wrote a prototype for such a CGI script. It wasn't fancy but it used the following basic method:
The form has the following fields:
userid (login name):
current/old password:
new password:
... and the script does the following:
So mostly it's a matter of writing the expect or script.
Unfortunately I don't have the real script handy. It looked something like:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
## by Jim Dennis (
## This should check a username/password
## pair by opening a telnet to localhost
## and trying to use that to login
## -- you might have to adjust the last
## expect block to account for your
## system shell prompts, and error messsages

## It returns 0 on success and various non-zero
## values for various modes of failure

set timeout 5
log_user 0

gets stdin name
gets stdin pw

spawn "/usr/bin/telnet" "localhost"

expect {

-- "ogin: $"    { send -- "$name\r" }

timeout         { send -- "\r\r" }

eof             { exit 253  }

expect {

"ssword: $"     { send -- "$pw\r" }

expect {

"ast login: "    { exit 0   }
"(\\\$|%)"       { exit 0   }
"ogin incorrect" { exit 1   }
timeout          { exit 254 }
eof              { exit 253 }
... so you'd replace the "exit 0" clauses with something like the following to have it change the password instead of merely checking the password as the example above does.
set password [lindex $argv 1]
send "/bin/passwd\r"
expect "password:"
send "$password\r"
expect "password:"
send "$password\r"
... this assumes that you got to a shell prompt. If you use the old trick of setting the users' login shell to /bin/passwd then you'd add another expect close to the original script to respond to the prompt for "Old password" --- which you'd get in lieue of a shell prompt.
Obviously in that case you wouldn't be "send"-ing the /bin/passwd command to the shell prompt as I've done in the second line of this second code example.
There's a package that purports to do this at:
Linux Admin CGI Package Docu (English)
... so you can try that.
You can also look at the Linux-admin mailing list archives where I'm sure I've seen Glynn Clements point people to some utility he wrote (I think I've seen this about a dozen times).
A quick trip to the Linux-Admin FAQ ( led me to a list of list archives, which lead me to one with search features. Searching on "web password change" got me to a message that refers to:
... I'm sure there are others out there.

Copyright © 1999, James T. Dennis
Published in The Linux Gazette Issue 36 January 1999

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